Our DEEPEST GRATITUDE for all who participated in our Holiday Raffle, your contribution helps Advance Healing Touch, one Grant at a Time!







Item 1 - Mastery Energy Program


Winner: Maria Rog


Donated By: Debra Greene

Value: $711


Item 2 - Animal Communication


Winner: Jo Hughes


Donated By: Carol Gurney

Value: $375


Item 3 - 

Healing Touch for Animals Level 1 class


Winner: Judy Houser


Donated By: Carol Komitor

Value: $349


Item 4 - Healing Touch Professional Association 24 month membership and $50 Gift Certificate


Winner: Roberta Davis Lewis


Donated By: Amelia Vogler

Value: $250


Item 5 - Intuitive-Guided Self-Healing


Winner: Laura Ferenc


Donated By: Robbie Holz

Value: $220


Item 6 - Handwriting Therapy


Winner: Renata Maniaci


Donated By: Jennifer Ancona

Value: $65


Item 7 - Red Sleigh Gift Basket


Winner: Erika Motill


Donated By: Roberta Davis-Lewis

Value: $100


Item 8 - Intuitive Healing Session


Winner: James Ross


Donated By: Amelia Vogler

Value: $260


Item 9 - Spiritual Intuitive Reading & Healing Session


Winner: Nanette Sagastume


Donated By: Mary Jo Bulbrook

Value: $150


Item 10 - Ancestry DNA Test


Winner: Geoffrey Matsumoto


Donated By: Roberta Davis-Lewis

Value: $100


Item 11 - Meditation Set


Winner: Donna Gorski


Donated By: Melinda Chichester 

Value: $145


Item 12 - Ash Platter


Winner: B. Kelley


Donated By: K.C. Kendall

Value: $75



Wishing you abundant health and blessings this holiday season.



Your friends at H.T.W.F.